"Cleanse your heart
To receive The Supreme,
Rid yourself of worldly thoughts
For Him to reside there
You have only one heart,
And that too is full of many passions
Then where is the place left,
For Him to reside?"
From time immemorial, great sages and spiritual saints have consecrated the land of India. The places which the saints selected for spiritual pursuits or meditation, ultimately turned out to be pilgrimage spots for the masses. One such piece of land was discovered by Huzur Malik Saheb in 1961 in order to establish an Aashram. When the great saint Swami Vishnu Tirth Ji Maharaj visited Gwalior on 4th November, 1961, the Aashram was inaugurated and named 'Adhyatma Niketan'.
By the benevolence of Guru, Pujyapad Sant Shri Kripal Sing Ji Maharaj, the devotees of the Aashram receive divine grace through Sadhan (Meditation), Swadhyay (Study of scriptures) and Satsang (Pure Community). The system of Sadhan being practiced here, is one impounded by Lord Shiva, and transcended through the Guru lineage. The two combined forms of Sadhan being practiced at Adhyatma Niketan are 'Siddha Mahayog' and 'Surat Shabd Yog', the ultimate goal of which is Shaktipat.
Siddha Mahayog is the system of Sadhan which traverses through various Chakras of the Sushmna inside the spine, located in the back portion of the body. Simultaneously, Surat Shabd Yog is the system of Sadhan which traverses through various intermediate destinations in the front part of the body. The two forms, thus, are eternal ways of practice. One more aspect of Mahayog Sadhan is that it is achieved purely by divine grace and is unattainable without the grace of an accomplished Guru. However, it is even more important that the receiver has deservedness for receiving that grace. Deservedness connotes an open heart, regular Sadhan (Practice), Satsang and Swadhyay (Study of scriptures). Hence, when combined with a sustained zeal for spiritual progress, the two combined forms of Sadhan can elevate one to the heights of the path of Parmarth.
The Aashram itself is most modest and simple. It has one auditorium, which is used for satsang, spiritual discourses, bhajans etc., especially on the occasions of the Aashram's various auspicious festivals, when a large number of devotees gather here. On the eastern side of the Aashram, is the Holy Samadhi of Late Huzur Malik Saheb.
Satsang is conducted twice daily, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. during the day and from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. during the evening. It begins with Swadhyay, where a study of various scriptures is performed, followed by Paath and Shabds (Hymns). Dhyaan (Meditation) is then practiced for 30 mins, where every Sadhak (Spiritual Practitioner) silently chants their Mantra. Post this, bhajans are sung and the Aarti is performed.